Sunday, May 5, 2024 15:06

McCain Accepts

Posted by on Thursday, September 4, 2008, 22:09
This news item was posted in Daily Musings category and has 3 Comments so far.

Tonight, John McCain accepted the nomination to run as the Republican candidate for President.  As Palin did last night, McCain displayed great strength and confidence in his speech to supporters and the television audience.  Palin’s speech last night almost equaled the amount of viewers of Obama’s acceptance speech and estimates of McCain’s speech were thought to surpass Obama’s.  With the amount of people watching and hearing what our candidates have to say, I can only hope we have a great voter turnout come November.  If people truly care about where our country is heading, I hope they spend the time to investigate who they should vote for.  Voting simply because of party or past is not the way to go.  We must vote for the people willing to lead our country forward.  Next up, the debates.  I can’t wait.

3 Responses to “McCain Accepts”

  1. Diana
    2008.09.04 23:00

    Have you watched any of the questions that Rick Warren asked of the candidates? If not, you can see them on I had our students watch the interviews, too. You’re right, we need to be sure what and who we are voting for.

  2. 2008.09.05 08:02

    I haven’t seen more than a few clips from it but I am planning on watching it. I generally know their stances on the questions asked already but it’s always nice to hear the words come from their mouths as a direct answer to the question.


    The internet gives us so much data to mine when evaluating the candidates these days. If we don’t use it, it’s our own fault. However, some of the data is of course fabricated and media propaganda so even then, you have to keep an eye out for the truth. In politics, finding truth is like searching for the fountain of youth.

  3. 2008.09.06 14:38

    Television viewership estimates are in and McCain’s acceptance speech outpaced Obama’s according to some and equaled it in others. Minimum estimates projected 42+ Million people watching either McCain or Obama giving their speeches. Palin’s in contrast was at 37+ Million and Biden came in at 24+ Million.

    Polls coming out today show the election in a dead heat. The remaining 60 days and debates will determine who our next President is. Our nation seems to agree on one thing, this election is one of the most important decisions we will make in our lifetime. Hopefully, the right decision will be made and the man chosen will do what’s right for the country.

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